Workshop on the use of transmission models to simulate foot-and-mouth disease epidemics and the implementation of control actions
Rio de Janeiro, May 29th to June 2nd, 2023


Course Description

In this five-day workshop, we briefly introduce various mathematical models to simulate the spread and control of livestock diseases. You will learn how such models can be used to make informed decisions before, during, and after an animal health emergency. We will focus on applying such epidemiological models while demonstrating their use with real data in simulated FMD outbreaks.

Aims of the workshop

Learn how to use the MHASpread v.0.2.0 package, model introduction, and control of FMD

  1. Overview of the model outputs and their interpretation.
  2. MHASpread to simulate FMD countermeasure actions (depopulation, vaccination, and traceability).
  3. Analyze additional transmission models.

Computer requirements

Generally, any computer of medium to high quality released during the last five years should be able to support R and Rstudio, however, there are some computer requirements that should be considered:

  1. Intel Core i5 (4 CPUs) 6th generation or equivalent AMD X8 @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs).
  2. Memory: 8GB.
  3. HDD Space: 65GB.

Previous Workshops

Instructors (NCSU)

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